8 fevral İngilis dili OLİMPİADASI imtahan mövzuları.

Onlayn bilet almaq üçün daxil olun: https://exams.nomre1.edu.az/

  • 2-ci sinif:
What is it? It’s an alligator. It’s a cat. It isn’t an owl. Is it a doll? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. What colour is it? It’s red. The ball is in the box. Where’s my backpack? It’s on the chair. What are day? They’re trees. They aren’t pink. Listening. Reading.
  • 3-cü sinif:
What day is it. It is Monday. Do commands. Don’t commands. There are my arms. This is my head. They aren’t nurses. He’s a pilot/He isn’t a vet. What do you want to be? It has/doesn’t. Is it fast? Listening. Reading.
  • 4-cü sinif:
Special questions. Present continious tence form. Can –(modal verb). What time is it? It’s 2 o’clock. It’s 2:30. It’s noon. What time do you eat breakfast. At 7 o’clock in the morning. I’m (not) playing football.  What are they doing? They’re sweeping.  At the park. Chores. Sports. At home. Listening. Reading.
  • 5-ci sinif:
Verb to be. Negative. (Yes/No and Wh- Questions and Short Answers) Possessive(‘s). Personal Pronouns. There is/There are. Possessive Adjectives. Verb to have. Many/much/a lot of. Countable an uncountable. Simple Present. Listening. Reading.
  • 6-cı sinif:
There is, there are. Have got /has got. Present Simple Tense form. Adverbs of freguency. Adjectives. Prepositions. Vocabulary. Singular. Plural nouns. Pronoun. Present continuous. 
Past Simple. Regular, irregular verbs. Listening. Reading.
  • 7-ci sinif:
Common Adjectives. Common Phrasal verbs. Vocabulary for travel. Noun. Pronoun. Adjective. Adverb. Article. Tence (Present simple, past simple, present continuous). Prepositions. Listening. Reading.
  • 8-ci sinif:
Noun. Pronoun. Adjective. Adverb. Article. Tense (Present simple, past simple, present continuous, present perfect). Prepositions. Phrasal verbs. Present Perfect with ever, never, just and recently. Present simple. Quantifiers. Both, either, neither. Modal verbs: must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, cannot. Listening. Reading.

Onlayn bilet almaq üçün daxil olun: https://exams.nomre1.edu.az/