8 fevral İngilis dili OLİMPİADASI imtahan mövzuları.
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What is it? It’s an alligator. It’s a cat. It isn’t an owl. Is it a doll? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. What colour is it? It’s red. The ball is in the box. Where’s my backpack? It’s on the chair. What are day? They’re trees. They aren’t pink. Listening. Reading.
What day is it. It is Monday. Do commands. Don’t commands. There are my arms. This is my head. They aren’t nurses. He’s a pilot/He isn’t a vet. What do you want to be? It has/doesn’t. Is it fast? Listening. Reading.
Special questions. Present continious tence form. Can –(modal verb). What time is it? It’s 2 o’clock. It’s 2:30. It’s noon. What time do you eat breakfast. At 7 o’clock in the morning. I’m (not) playing football. What are they doing? They’re sweeping. At the park. Chores. Sports. At home. Listening. Reading.
Verb to be. Negative. (Yes/No and Wh- Questions and Short Answers) Possessive(‘s). Personal Pronouns. There is/There are. Possessive Adjectives. Verb to have. Many/much/a lot of. Countable an uncountable. Simple Present. Listening. Reading.
There is, there are. Have got /has got. Present Simple Tense form. Adverbs of freguency. Adjectives. Prepositions. Vocabulary. Singular. Plural nouns. Pronoun. Present continuous.
Past Simple. Regular, irregular verbs. Listening. Reading.
Common Adjectives. Common Phrasal verbs. Vocabulary for travel. Noun. Pronoun. Adjective. Adverb. Article. Tence (Present simple, past simple, present continuous). Prepositions. Listening. Reading.
Noun. Pronoun. Adjective. Adverb. Article. Tense (Present simple, past simple, present continuous, present perfect). Prepositions. Phrasal verbs. Present Perfect with ever, never, just and recently. Present simple. Quantifiers. Both, either, neither. Modal verbs: must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, cannot. Listening. Reading.
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