14 dekabr İngilis dili OLİMPİADASI

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  • 2-ci sinif:
Greetings: hello, hi. What’s your name? My name’s Amy. This is my brother. Farewells: goodbye, bye Family: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother. Numbers: 1-100. How old are you? I’m seven. Have/Has. Animals. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening.
  • 3-cü sinif:
2-ci sinfin təkrarı. Welcome to happy. Campers. Week day’s. Do commands. Have/Has. Parts of the body and face. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening.
  • 4-cü sinif:
3-cü sinfin təkrarı. Numbers: Numbers 10- 100. How old is he? He’s ninety-nine. Who is he? She’s my aunt. Family: grandparents, parents, aunt, uncle, cousin,niece, nephew. Months of the Year. Ordinal Numbers: ordinal numbers 1st–31st. Have/Has.  Time of Day. Adverbs of Time. Vocabulary.  Reading. Listening.
  • 5-ci sinif:
4-cü sinfin təkrarı. Article. Present Simple. Prepositioan. Verb to be Negative. Verb to be (Affirmative). Questions. Verb to be (Yes/No Wh-Question and Short Answer). Possessive ('s). Personal Pronouns. Adjectives. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening.
  • 6-cı sinif:
5-ci sinfin təkrarı. Article. Have/Has. Noun. Past Simple (regular verbs). Past Simple (irregular verbs). Adjectives for describing feelings. Past simple wh-questions. Common phrases. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening.
  • 7-ci sinif:
5, 6-cı sinfin təkrarı. Noun. Pronoun. Tenses. Article. Definition. Adjectives ending in -ed and ing; Too vs enough. Adjectives and infinitives. Common Adjectives. Past Continuous; Time clauses with when and while. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening. 
  • 8-ci sinif:
5, 6, 7-ci sinfin təkrarı. Definition. Article. Preposition. Noun. Personal Pronoun. Adjective. Present Perfect. Present Perfect (with for, since, already and yet). Present Perfect (with ever, never, just and recently). Present Perfect vs Present Simple. Vocabulary. Reading. Listening.

Onlayn bilet almaq üçün daxil olun: https://exams.nomre1.edu.az/